POLI 101 I need two different reflection papers

POLI 101 I need two different reflection papers

I need two diffrent reflection papers every one of them is two pages

Your task is to compose a reading reflection connecting class material and topics to current events. Reflection papers must be two pages long double-spaced using size-12 font and standard margins. Papers longer than three pages will be penalized.

A paper that earns full credit must do the following things:

  • 1)Select a relevant topic: the entire range of topics covered between each response paper is fair game. This means that the first reflection paper may discuss the founding, federalism, the constitution, the congress, or some combination of these topics; the second response paper may discuss the presidency and/or the judiciary.

  • 2)Engage course material: you must make it clear that you have read and thought about the relevant readings. This means employing, explaining, and perhaps even challenging relevant terms and concepts.

  • 3)Consider a current event: you must discuss some current event in light of the topics and concepts covered in class.

  • 4)Make an argument: you should articulate what you will be arguing at the outset of your paper and develop this argument in the following two pages. Arguments need to be clear and coherent and must use relevant evidence to substantiate their claims.
  • 5)Use proper style: Your paper must have minimal grammatical and stylistic errors. You also need to cite your sources. I don’t care which citation style you use as long as your citations are consistent. If you’re citing a book, make sure to include the page number; if you’re citing a publication from a website, make sure to include the link. Wikipedia is not an acceptable source for this assignment. Finally, your citations list does not count toward your total paper length.

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