Reflective journal

Reflective journal

you need to write 2 reflective journals, no more than 250 words each

Reflective Journal 7

Identify an anatomical or physiological concept on the muscles or case study which may be related to contemporary issues and technologies in the news. For example, you may choose an article on a disease or disorder, research a test or treatment procedure, discuss medications, etc. Do an internet search for the article. Then, summarize the anatomical or physiological concept and the news item in an essay that is no longer than 250 words (do a word count in your word processing program). If you go a bit over or under that’s okay. Upload your document into Canvas as a doc, docx or PDF. You must provide a citation for your article. If you do not, you will not receive credit.

Reflective Journal8

Identify an anatomical or physiological concept on the nervous system which may be related to contemporary issues and technologies in the news. For example, you may choose an article on a disease or disorder, research a test or treatment procedure, discuss medications, etc. Do an internet search for the article. Then, summarize the anatomical or physiological concept and the news item in an essay that is no longer than 250 words (do a word count in your word processing program). If you go a bit over or under that’s okay. Upload your document into Canvas as a doc, docx or PDF. You must provide a citation for your article. If you do not, you will not receive credit.

.doc file

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