Reserach proposal project

Reserach proposal project

The followings are the readings mentioned in the prompt section below. One is attached.…….…


Choose whatever you are comfortable with to write about. Be specific.

Here is the assignment:


Create a proposal for a piece of original and meaningful research based upon the following research prompt. Please note that we are not writing a research paper. We are writing a research proposal.


Choose three of our readings from this semester as well as one recent global event of significance (no, it doesn’t have to be COVID-19). Conduct a comprehensive critical analysis using your 3 selected readings as well as at least 10 other sources, ultimately demonstrating how your 3 selected texts clarify or illuminate the recent event about which you are writing.


The proposal project should include the following 3 sections:


This section should be a 250 word (minimum) description of your proposed research topic, including your hypothesis. Why is your research important? How does it expand/extend current research? What do you suspect the outcome of your research to be?


This section will be brief, likely one page only (250 words, perhaps even less), and will detail your approach to this topic. What types of sources will you seek? Why is your approach the most appropriate way to go about your research?

Annotated works cited:

This will be a list of potential sources for your proposed research. The list should be at least 13 sources long. Your 3 selected texts will be among these 13 sources. In other words, you only need to find 10 additional sources, which need not all be from our periodical databases. For each works cited entry, you should include a brief paragraph (3+ sentences) summarizing the source and another paragraph (3+ sentences) explaining how you expect the source to be useful to your research.

This alternative assignment definitely entails a good deal of work, but I believe you will find it fun as well as a nice break from the usual drudgery of writing papers (although I enjoy writing papers).

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