Task 1: From your personal experiences working on a virtual team

Task 1: From your personal experiences working on a virtual team

Management Question

– Your project sponsor or team leader has asked that you prepare a 2-3 page memo to provide your recommendation with the following required elements:

Paragraph 1 – Introduction

Paragraph 2 – Analysis

Paragraph 3 – Strategy and why it will help

Paragraph 4 – Detail of how the strategy will be executed and expected results

Paragraph 5 – Risks Analysis of the actions including a response plan

Paragraph 6 – Conclusion

Task 1: From your personal experiences working on a virtual team (could be a project team, in-class team or another team you worked on), please evaluate the issues outlined below. Note: If you never worked on a virtual team then, pls create a scenario where you are leading a team that has members in various countries and time zones – so, you need to conduct communications and progress via virtual/remote technology. Feel free to make up any issues (the more dysfunctional – the more fun the analysis).

Task 2: As part of the analysis, determine the following:

– What stage of development the team is at [Tuckerman team building stages],

– What specifically is blocking its path forward,

– And what actions can be taken by the global project manager to move this team forward in its development. as an effective virtual team

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