The goal of your Signature Assignment is to show that you can compute properties of solutions and analyze and interpret data.

attached is main instruction .

The goal of your Signature Assignment is to show that you can compute properties of solutions and analyze and interpret data. You will create a PowerPoint presentation that shows the process of going through an acid/base titration like you would if you were in a physical lab.

For the presentation:

You will prepare a sample of an unknown acid to titrate using a known concentration of base. You will set-up a burette filled with a known concentration of base and use proper titration techniques to reach an end-point to the titration. You will then calculate the concentration of the unknown acid on your own.

For Part I:

  • Create a PowerPoint presentation (4-6 slides) that covers the lab scenario above.
  • Include your thoughts on why understanding acid/base titration is important to your future career, and how you will use this concept as you complete your degree.
  • Your presentation must consist of more than merely a series of bullet points to earn full credit.
  • Use the Notes section for each slide to fully explain your answers.

For Part II:

Instructions and data for Online Lab Signature Assignment.docx  download

This assignment should be in current APA Style with both a title slide and a reference list that includes all of the sources used. At least two scholarly sources should be used (your textbook can be one of the sources).See rubric for specific grading criteria.

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