The Yogurt Company and Security

The Yogurt Company and Security

2x short discussions

Can you help me understand this Business question?
Posted more info in the word doc.



Review Action Time 3.1: The Yogurt Company and Security (found in Chapter 3 of the text). In 200-300 words, identify a potential cause of the thefts and provide two recommendations to the management of The Yogurt Company on how they can eliminate this problem. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts.


Review Case Study 5.1: Live Racking at B.M.W. found in Chapter 5 of the text. Assume that you are the warehouse director for B.M.W. B.M.W. has learned that the 39-second cycle time described in the case is inadequate for 21st century operations and has asked you to reduce the cycle time down to 30 seconds or less. In 200-300 words, identify a technique described in Chapter 4 or 5 that could potentially be used to reduce cycle time down to 30 seconds or less.

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