Think of this essay as a formal history essay,

 Think of this essay as a formal history essay,


1. Think of this essay as a formal history essay, with one centerpiece (the artifact) around which you build your argument. Do not use the first person: Do not start a sentence with “I” or “we”. Use a formal style like what you would find in a textbook or encyclopedia.

2. Your argument (presented in your thesis) is your argument about what artifact teaches about the time period during which it was created.

3. For help with preparing history essays, view the following:

4. Sources: You are required to use at least three academic books or articles outside of the textbook to provide more information about your object and/or the time period in question

  • You must include a short bibliography at the end of the paper. You may use MLA format
  • You should use footnotes or in-text citations throughout the paper (depending on the citation style you choose: Chicago or MLA). This lets me know where you found your information.
  • Do not use websites. You can use academic articles or books from the library.
  • Encyclopedias do not count as academic sources. They are references. They can be good starting points and can give you ideas about the terms that you will search for while trying to investigate your object more deeply, but use them only as a springboard to get to academic sources (written by someone with credentials in the field of history or related fields like archaeology or religious studies).
    • You can list it in your bibliography.
    • The library has several encyclopedia online, which you can find by clicking the Articles button above the search box on the library home page and scrolling down.
    • It does not count towards the three academic sources you need to fulfill the criteria of this paper.

To be included in the paper:

  1. Describe the object, its historical context, and its significance in the first paragraph. Describe it physically. Include a brief introduction of the time period and the location where it was created. This will lead to your thesis.
  2. Your thesis should illustrate your analysis of the object: It should be a clear statement which makes an argument about the links between the object and its historical context, and what that illustrates about the people who created it, and the time period in which it was created. Your thesis should be one sentence at the end of your first paragraph.
  3. Describe its historical context in detail in the body paragraphs.
  4. Include evidence from your academic sources to support your thesis statement. You can use quotes or paraphrases.
  5. Cite the quotes and paraphrases that you include in your body paragraphs. You may use MLA or Chicago styles. Use in-text citations or footnotes when you do this. It is not sufficient to include it only in your bibliography at the end
  6. Make sure there is information coming from additional sources. See above. Provide background. Do not focus only on the object. Include all sources in a bibliography. The bibliography does not count towards the 4 page requirement.Please find my annotated bibilography that I prepared for this paper with professor’s feedback for reference.

Requirements: 4 page 

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