This assignment will be a 5 paragraph

This assignment will be a 5 paragraph

Writing Question

This assignment will be a 5 paragraph essay ranging from 800-1200 words. You will choose 1 of the 4 Discussion Questions to write about and conduct research. Incorporate at least 3 academic sources. Your essay and sources should all be cited according to APA

I’m working on a writing project and need support to help me study.

Discussion Questions:

Question: the vast majority of scientists agree that climate change is occurring and accelerating. Saudi Arabia is particularly vulnerable to fragile ecosystems and reliance on non-renewable water resources. A recent survey indicates that most Saudis believe that they will be affected by climate change. How do you think Saudi Arabia is vulnerable and how would you suggest preparing for the coming changes.

This assignment will be a 5 paragraph essay ranging from 800-1200 words. You will choose 1 of the 4(i already choose) Discussion Questions to write about and conduct research. Incorporate at least 3 academic sources. Your essay and sources should all be cited according to APA style.

Please remember that your ePortfolio project will be assessed against CILO1, 2, 3, and 4 rubrics (its upload)

Requirements: 800-1200   |   .doc file

just follow the rubric and make sure you chose good academic resources and reference it here is another rubric for the project

Please make sure I get 90 to 100

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