US Government POS-2041
The term paper will be a single-spaced research paper, minimum of 2000 words.
Choose one of the two options below to write about.
Option 1:
In the UnitedStates, there are severallevels of government that interact and frequently “steponeachother’s toes.” Explain how state and localgovernmentsinteract with eachother, and how state/localgovernmentsinteract with the nationalgovernment. Be sure to usespecificexamples and makesure your answer include a discussion of local, state, and federal budgets.
Option 2:
Examine one or more of the major political leaders running for President in the next election by answering the following questions: What have been their strengths and weaknesses in office? What major policies have they advocated or opposed, and what have been the results of these policies?