1400 words Website Analysis

1400 words Website Analysis

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There are numerous websites designed to assist a grant writer and/or nonprofit manager in identifying and obtaining grant funding for their organization. Using the criteria below, critically analyze one website in a four page. Be sure to include the website URL and the primary purpose of the website in your analysis. Address the following questions/topics in your paper:

Background and detail about the author of the site.

  • How useful is the site in identifying possible grants?
  • What resources (grant writing tips, sources for grants) does the site offer for the grant writer/manager?
  • What material or topic is missing that might be useful to add to this site?
  • How do you know the information is current and verifiable?
  • How easy is it to navigate this site and find pertinent information?


Grants.Gov. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://grants.gov/ (Links to an external site.)
This website provides information on current government grants, and links to apply for them.

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