Law & Society PPT Project

Law & Society PPT Project

Throughout the course, there has been various topics covered on the intersection of law, justice, and society. Students may choose one of the topics used in Assignments to elaborate for the Final Project.

Students are tasked with creating a video tutorial that is 3-5 minutes that addresses the following questions: *I will have you set up the ppt & write out the narration in paper format so I can read off*

  • What do you see as the biggest challenge in the criminal justice system?
  • What solutions do you believe can be implemented by the criminal justice system to overcome those challenges?

The video must be instructional in nature and essentially a tutorial that answers the questions using scholarly, peer-reviewed sources accessible through the Ingram Library and Google Scholar. The video can be structured to best portray the information which can include, but not limited to, an interactive tour, a narrated slideshow, an animation, or other media that is professionally appropriate. *We are doing a slideshow*

The goal of the project is for the student to demonstrate their knowledge of peer-reviewed studies on the topic and translating the information that is currently relevant.


  • Each student must complete their own individual video
  • Video must be within 3-5 minutes (shorter or longer videos will be penalized)

Students must have the following components in the video:

  1. “My name is [First and Last name] and this video is for Law & Society final project with Dr. Mills. Today, I will discuss [your topic here].”
  2. Briefly explain the background of your topic with definitions and current statistics.
  3. Where did you find your information/articles? (provide tutorial on how you retrieved the information)
  4. Answer the following questions using scholarly sources: What do you see as the biggest challenges in the criminal justice system? What solutions do you believe can be implemented by the criminal justice system to overcome those challenges?
  5. “Again, my name is [First and Last name] and this concludes the Law & Society final project with Dr. Mills.”

Here are topics we have talked about throughout the semester that you can choose from: Family, Place, Religion, Class Race and Gender, Criminal and Civil Justice, Technology, Nature. let me know which one you choose and I will attach some readings and notes from that topic

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