Counselors and clinical supervisors.

  1. It is important for counselors and clinical supervisors to develop their own model for counseling and supervision. This assignment will help you develop or become aware of your own personal philosophy/theoretical orientation of supervision.
    Choose a supervision model you feel you would utilize as a supervisor.
    Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper describing how you would tailor this model to meet the supervisory needs of the supervisor and supervisee.
    Include the following:

    Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

My model of choice is the Discrimination Model which falls under the Integrated Model.

Answer preview

One strength of the model is that it focuses on many aspects of a supervisee. The mode ensures that supervisees are skilled in giving clients quality therapy. According to Crunk & Barden (2017), the model has three paradigms that focus on the wholesome empowerment of the supervisee to help clients in therapy. Another strength of the discrimination model is its flexibility. Supervisors can assume various roles, such as teacher, consultant, and counselor, depending on the circumstance. According to Arthur & Bernard (2012), as a teacher, the supervisor directs how the therapy should be conducted while, as a consultant, the supervisor share authority with the trainees enabling them to develop their expertise through mechanisms like brainstorming. As a counselor, the supervisor allows a supervisee to develop self-reflection that is essential in helping clients during therapy.

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