Find a copy of a myth, from any world mythological tradition. Analyze it using theories from our course, and with some particular questions in mind. Namely, what does it tell us about the culture or society that created it? Is this myth stil

Find a copy of a myth, from any world mythological tradition. Analyze it using theories from our course, and with some particular questions in mind. Namely, what does it tell us about the culture or society that created it? Is this myth stil

You do not need to submit a copy of the myth. This assignment does not require a bibliography, but I need one citation … where you found your myth (in print/online). It is to be submitted on due date electronically (use PDF, DOC, or RTF as accepted file types), 2-3 pages, please make sure name and other info is on paper. Double space preferred, printed/typed, readable font. Do not just restate the myth.

Important: Analyze it using theories from our course, and with some particular questions in mind. Namely, what does it tell us about the culture or society that created it? Is this myth still relevant or meaningful to people today, and why? What theories might explain why this myth was created and utilized?

Requirements: 2-3 Pages

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