How does capitalism exist/thrive in the Arabian Gulf without democracy? Inbox

How does capitalism exist/thrive in the Arabian Gulf without democracy?

Essay Paper

How does capitalism exist/thrive in the Arabian Gulf without democracy? This will be the title of the paper and will also will be the question we will try to answer.

In this essay there will be 3 major parts;

1. Talk about the background of the Arabian Gulf, and focus on Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, And UAE. Their form of government & economy must be talked about here. And there should be not thesis.

2. Then in the second part of the essay, you will have to write about what Marxist would say about this. UAE having fewer Islamic laws, and Saudi Arabia 2030 venison. And in Kuwait Marx looks like to favors democracy.

3. Last part should have a very soft claim like “does to some extent” and a conclusion + personal opinion.

This paper should be and intro to a longer paper in the same topic

This essay is a page and a half long (single spaced) APA format

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