Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Theory – Unit 3 Rogers – Delinquency Influences

Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Theory – Unit 3 Rogers – Delinquency Influences

Assignment Details – In 300 words or more address the following providing references for support

Assignment Details

Part 1: Review the U.S. Department of Justice definition of a gang.

Part 2: Invent a fictional character and select at least 3 specific elements, known or unknown to them, that might have influenced their decision to join a gang. Consider the following:

Part 3: Using what you’ve learned thus far (Delinquency Theories) , address the following:

  • Explain how the elements you selected influenced your character’s choice to join a gang.

( Examples – Strain Theory, Rational Theory )

The textbook we are using in class that you can use as a Reference:

Bartollas, C., & Schmalleger, F. (2017). Juvenile Delinquency (Justice Series) (3rd Edition). Pearson Education (US).

Requirements: 300 words or more

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