Measures to fight the impact of COVId-19 on commercial contracts

Measures to fight the impact of COVId-19 on commercial contracts

describing what the Saudi Arabian government did to fight the impact of COVD-19 on commercial contracts, and then tell what other countries did.

Start describing what the Saudi Arabian government did to fight the impact of COVD-19 on commercial contracts, and then tell what other countries did.

You can work on these three measures:

1-The deferment of tax payment.

2- Supporting SMEs

3- Slashing salaries.

If you find better measures than I provided ,go ahead and work on them.

NB: Keep to Saudi Arabia as the main focus of the essay, but when discussing measure after measure simply say one or two sentences something like ” most countries introduced similar measures with the exception for example China or whatever.

*After each measure, it is important to show the following:1- Does business agree with the measures, do they think it’s a good idea? 2- Did these measures proven to have an effect? to be effective.

NB: Do not introduce these measure only, Are these measures working? Are they effective?

*Saudi Arabia is quite a rich country which means there is a lot of money which can be spent. Does this make the measures different from other countries? May be Saudi Arabia have more fund and could afford to have measures which are different from other countries.

about 1500 words.

The references no less than 10

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