Mkt Project

Mkt Project

Final Project & Presentation

APA Format

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The project proposal attached here in the attachment

Follow all the steps to the point


The purpose of the following project is to provide the student(s) the opportunity of applying all of the course material into creating a Customer/Brand Experience (Cx).

The project involves the creation of an original brand, meaning that the name, logo, slogan etc. must be developed and designed by the Team. The project does not require the in-depth development of a product, but it is implied that a product or service would represent the newly-created brand.

The brand must be created and proposed based on the content learned from the course. The choice of fonts, colors, size, designs, styles, slogans, themes, ‘personalities’ attributed to the brand, and promotional materials, must reflect the psychological and behavioral content of the course.

Each team must create at least three (3) original promotional materials for their respective brand. This includes print-advertisements, video commercials, (mock)websites, social media content, bill-boards designs, merchandise, store displays… etc.

You are encouraged to use Photoshop and any other photo or video editing software on your smartphones, tablets, or computers.

Teams are also allowed to outsource external talent for the creation of their promotional materials. As long as the person(s) involved are given credit for their work and are mentioned in the References/Appendix sections, the promotional work will be accepted.

The written portion of the project must have a cover page (with the title you have given it, your name, course number and section, and semester and year of the course). On the second page you will provide a Table of Contents. On page 3, you may begin with the Introduction heading and only use the required headings for the assignment.

The document should be formatted according to the latest APA standards.

The text should be: Times New Roman, Font Size 12, Double-Spaced, 1” margins all around. Direct quotes must be appropriately cited. Bullet-points are allowed, but should comprise a small portion of the entire document. The document must be written in narrative, 3rd-Person format, free of colloquial (casual) lingo.


The creation of your brand must be founded on real-market data, trends, and demand for the product category; therefore:

1.Conduct a thorough SWOT Analysis based on industry and market information related to your brand’s product category (i.e. soft-drinks; toys; pet food; clothing/fashion; automotive; foods/snacks; other consumer goods)

2.Create an original logo

a.The design of the logo must be truly original

b.The design must be purposeful in its use of symbolism, words, shapes, etc.

3.Create an original name

4.Discuss your Brand image and personality:

a.Purpose and justification for the proposed brand

b.Brand positioning statement

c.The emotional and functional benefits and value your brand promises

5.Brand communication/promotion strategy

a.Proposed Promotional strategy for the brand

b.Purpose for the use of chosen media channels

c.Create and explain your original promotional media: photo, video, audio, digital, outdoor, etc. (at least 3!)

d.Promotional material (at least one of them being a JPEG image) must have subtle/subliminal/psychological cues and use of colors, shapes, images, words, sounds, angles, etc.; to trigger a desired

i.Artwork must be as original as possible

ii.Photo-shopping is allowed, with limitations

iii.You may outsource external help; if so, please give the individual(s) due credit for the artwork, footage, etc.

6.Provide a written (APA-format) final report and present the results (PPT presentation)

13 to 15 pages

the project is based on the proposal you have done which i also attached here.

in the powerpoint presentation include what to say in the notes which i can say it when i present it. i will give you the outline form that needs to be done against the presentation LATER.

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