Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Eating Disorders in Adolescence

Eating Disorders in Adolescence

Imagine a teen girl posting a selfie on social media. She likes the picture because she is smiling in it and the sun is shining on her nicely. Later that day, she reads the comments, which are mostly positive, but one person has posted a negative comment about her being “fat.” How might that affect an adolescent who is already feeling vulnerable?

Similar scenes of “body shaming” play out in the lives of adolescents trying to navigate cultural understandings of beauty, pressure from peers to fit in, and constant images of “perfect bodies” shown on TV and in movies. Social media, because it is so ubiquitous, can be particularly hurtful. These pressures can combine with biological and psychological factors to promote an adolescent’s negative body image, purging and fasting behavior, or even an eating disorder.

For this Assignment, you examine the occurrence of eating disorders and consider approaches to address them in adolescents.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Learning Resources on biological development in adolescence and on body image and body shaming. Consider connections between biological development, adolescence, body shaming, and eating disorders.
  • Search for pro-anorexia websites and use one for this Assignment.
  • Review theoretical models, considering one that may be appropriate to use with adolescents experiencing eating disorders.

Submit a 2- to 4-page paper on eating disorders in adolescence. In your paper:

  • Describe the role of peer relationships on the development of feeding and eating disorders in adolescence.
  • Describe the role of social media and body shaming on feeding and eating disorders in adolescence.
  • Identify one website addressing the phenomenon of pro anorexia and describe the content (provide the webpage URL). Why might adolescents be drawn to this perspective?
  • Describe the biological, psychological, and social effects of feeding and eating disorders in adolescence.
  • Identify and explain a theoretical model that can be used when working with adolescents experiencing feeding and eating disorders.
  • Describe two approaches that you might find useful for addressing feeding and eating disorders among adolescents.

Please use the Learning Resources to support your analysis. Make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.

Requirements: 2-3 pages

make sure all bullets are discussed in the paper.

I have 2 articles that I have attached that may be helpful.

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Writing Question

Writing Question

Part 3- Board and Governance

For Section 3 of the Final Project you will create a guide for these areas that nonprofit boards and executive directors can use to maximize their chances for success.

Section 3 should be 4-5 pages and include these Headings:

Make sure to include this:

  • Explain the board’s legal and ethical responsibilities and why they are important for the organization’s success.
  • Include your assessment of an organization’s responsibility to bring about positive social change regarding the underlying problems that the organization exists to address.
  • Include a listing of essential policies that the board should adopt.
  • Explain the responsibilities of individual board members regarding fundraising and the board’s responsibilities for financial oversight.

Submit the draft of Final Project Section 3 for scholarly writing faculty review. Your draft should be 4–5 pages, contain a minimum of 5–6 specific, evidence-based best practices, and utilize proper APA formatting.


BoardSource. (2010). The handbook of nonprofit governance. San Francisco, CA: Wiley.

  • Chapter 7, “Legal and Ethical Responsibilities” (pp.127–144)

BoardSource. (2016a). Coming to terms with a conflict of interest. Retrieved from

BoardSource. (2016b). Creating policies. Retrieved from

BoardSource. (2016c). Legal and compliance issues-FAQs. Retrieved from

BoardSource. (2016d). Tax exemption. Retrieved from

Charity Navigator. (2015). Retrieved from

BoardSource. (2010). The handbook of nonprofit governance. San Francisco, CA: Wiley.

  • Chapter 8, “Financial Oversight” (pp.145–166)
  • Chapter 9, “Fundraising” (pp.167–188)

Hopkins, B.R. (2013). Wiley nonprofit authority: Bruce R. Hopkins Nonprofit Law Library: Essential questions and answers. Somerset, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

  • Chapter 5, “Conflicts of Interest/Self-Dealing” (pp.127–157)
  • Chapter 7, “Legislative Activities Rules” (pp. 185–194)

Reissová, A., Žambochová, M., & Vlčková, M. (2019). Fundraising as an Opportunity for Non-profit Organisations – Possibilities and Limits of Individual Fundraising. Czech & Slovak Social Work / Sociální Práce / Sociálna Práca, 19(1), 5–22.

Csongrádi, G., Reicher, R., & Takács, I. (2018). Latest Trends and Technologies at the Field of Non-Profit Fundraising. International Journal of Contemporary Management, 17(4), 43–62.

Becker, A. (2018). An Experimental Study of Voluntary Nonprofit Accountability and Effects on Public Trust, Reputation, Perceived Quality, and Donation Behavior. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 47(3), 562–582.

Dale, E. J. (2019). Reframing Nonprofit Organizations: Democracy, Inclusion, and Social Change: A. M. Eikenberry, R. M. Mirabella, and B. Sandberg (Eds.). Reframing nonprofit organizations: Democracy, inclusion, and social change. Irvine, CA: Melvin & Leigh Publishers, 2018. Administrative Theory & Praxis (Taylor & Francis Ltd), 41(4), 434–437.

Writing Question Read More »

Writing Question

Writing Question

Part 3- Board and Governance

For Section 3 of the Final Project you will create a guide for these areas that nonprofit boards and executive directors can use to maximize their chances for success.

Section 3 should be 4-5 pages and include these Headings:

Make sure to include this:

  • Explain the board’s legal and ethical responsibilities and why they are important for the organization’s success.
  • Include your assessment of an organization’s responsibility to bring about positive social change regarding the underlying problems that the organization exists to address.
  • Include a listing of essential policies that the board should adopt.
  • Explain the responsibilities of individual board members regarding fundraising and the board’s responsibilities for financial oversight.

Submit the draft of Final Project Section 3 for scholarly writing faculty review. Your draft should be 4–5 pages, contain a minimum of 5–6 specific, evidence-based best practices, and utilize proper APA formatting.


BoardSource. (2010). The handbook of nonprofit governance. San Francisco, CA: Wiley.

  • Chapter 7, “Legal and Ethical Responsibilities” (pp.127–144)

BoardSource. (2016a). Coming to terms with a conflict of interest. Retrieved from

BoardSource. (2016b). Creating policies. Retrieved from

BoardSource. (2016c). Legal and compliance issues-FAQs. Retrieved from

BoardSource. (2016d). Tax exemption. Retrieved from

Charity Navigator. (2015). Retrieved from

BoardSource. (2010). The handbook of nonprofit governance. San Francisco, CA: Wiley.

  • Chapter 8, “Financial Oversight” (pp.145–166)
  • Chapter 9, “Fundraising” (pp.167–188)

Hopkins, B.R. (2013). Wiley nonprofit authority: Bruce R. Hopkins Nonprofit Law Library: Essential questions and answers. Somerset, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

  • Chapter 5, “Conflicts of Interest/Self-Dealing” (pp.127–157)
  • Chapter 7, “Legislative Activities Rules” (pp. 185–194)

Reissová, A., Žambochová, M., & Vlčková, M. (2019). Fundraising as an Opportunity for Non-profit Organisations – Possibilities and Limits of Individual Fundraising. Czech & Slovak Social Work / Sociální Práce / Sociálna Práca, 19(1), 5–22.

Csongrádi, G., Reicher, R., & Takács, I. (2018). Latest Trends and Technologies at the Field of Non-Profit Fundraising. International Journal of Contemporary Management, 17(4), 43–62.

Becker, A. (2018). An Experimental Study of Voluntary Nonprofit Accountability and Effects on Public Trust, Reputation, Perceived Quality, and Donation Behavior. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 47(3), 562–582.

Dale, E. J. (2019). Reframing Nonprofit Organizations: Democracy, Inclusion, and Social Change: A. M. Eikenberry, R. M. Mirabella, and B. Sandberg (Eds.). Reframing nonprofit organizations: Democracy, inclusion, and social change. Irvine, CA: Melvin & Leigh Publishers, 2018. Administrative Theory & Praxis (Taylor & Francis Ltd), 41(4), 434–437.

Requirements: 4-5 pages

Writing Question Read More »

B280/GEB2930 Section 02 Business Capstone – Business Ethics

B280/GEB2930 Section 02 Business Capstone – Business Ethics

Businesses often encounter ethical dilemmas. Depending on the industry, there may be consequences to business behavior that ignores ethical standards.

For your project this week you will need to do the following:

  • In a minimum of 2 pages, prepare an essay explaining to the leadership at MovieFlix why it’s important to take an ethical approach to solving their business problem (the problem that you are helping them to solve).
  • Make sure to discuss how using good business ethics can enhance their profitability.
  • Also, describe some of the consequences that they could face if they behave unethically when trying to solve the problem that you’ve selected for your project.
  • Discuss how you, as their consultant can help them to take an ethical approach to solving their problem.
  • Make sure to include an APA formatted title page and reference page for sources that you may have used for your research. Remember to follow APA guidelines when paraphrasing or quoting information. Don’t forget to cite your sources and include in-text citations as necessary.

Requirements: 2-3 pages not including the cover and reference page

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Ssgs300 research proposal

Ssgs300 research proposal

Final Proposal Project:

Please find the rubric attached.

Each student will be required to complete the term project, which is a research proposal written in an APA Style. The project should have at least 8-10 pages of substance not counting the cover and reference page. Please include a Cover Page, an abstract and a list of references. The research proposal you write in this course will NOT be sent to the IRB for approval. This is because you will not be conducting actual research for the purpose of this class. You will, however, gain an insight as to how to write a research proposal.

Each student will be required to complete a research proposal, as the term project. The research proposal will include the following:

  • Title page
  • Abstract (100-120 words)
  • Introduction
  • Problem Statement
  • Purpose Statement
  • Hypothesis
  • Literature Review and Definitions included in the research
  • Research methods/design
  • References
  • Appendices – as needed (annotated bibliography, example consent form, example survey if used)

The research proposal (Term Project) must be in a Word Document (.doc) uploaded to the student’s folder through the assignment section. Students will be required to use at least five scholarly references in their work.

Students are required to follow APA Style guidelines.

Please make sure that you are using the course-writing rubric to use as a checklist so that you write a solid paper.

Students must use a topic, which was approved by the instructor or their research proposal.

Do not include quotes in your work. The student needs to display good critical thinking skills and not a string of quotes written by published authors. Your proposal is what is needed for a successful research project to be conducted in the future.

Do not wait to the last minute to research, write, format, and edit. Proper time management is required to turn in a quality research proposal that highlights your understanding of how to conduct scholarly research.

I have an annotated bibliography that I have completed so far and the rubric for the assignment. I also have picked a topic already


Research Proposal Topic: Juvenile Justice: The Risk Factors of Juvenile Delinquency Within the Pacific Islanders Ethnicity and Rehabilitation

Also, it is a research proposal and not a research pape

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