COMM 101 Interpersonal communication: Media and Relationships
COMM 101 Interpersonal communication: Media and Relationships
Media and relationships
Just as understanding the self is crucial to becoming a successful communicator, so is developing an understanding of relationships. Using a media artifact, your job will be to serve as a relationship counselor for a troubled pair of characters of your choosing from a TV show or film. Your clients would like to know how to communicate better and improve their relationship. In doing this, you will first describe the overall communication climate of the relationship and detail any specific sources of conflict. After you have thoroughly investigated the situation, you may then attempt to help your clients. Think of this assignment as solving a problem. You must first fully understand the problem, and then you can attempt to solve it.
Step 1: Consider the type of relationship you are interested in researching. This does not have to be a romantic relationship. Potential types of relationships include: 2 co-workers, employer – employee, parent- child, 2 siblings, male – female friendship, male – female romantic relationship, same sex friendship or romantic relationship.
Step 2: Select a media artifact that you can use to analyze this particular type of relationship. This can be a movie, or a TV show. The key is to make sure it is something you can watch over again, so the TV show would need to be available on DVD or online.
The paper should be 4-5 pages, double-spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman, APA style documentation, with no cover page. Papers should also adhere to the standard expectations of grammar, punctuation and spelling. You are required to cite a minimum of 5 outside sources in this paper. Sources taken from Encyclopedias, Dictionaries and the Internet will not count towards your 5 sources
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