Political Science

Security tactics


Question Description: Examine how security tactics within the Homeland Security Enterprise (HSE) have been improved via the implementation of technology (in areas such as border security,

Major bone of contention


Answer the given questions in at least 10 pages and for each topic it needs to be 3-4 pages. Also look at the attached instructions. There are three questions. Write your answers in essay form.

Transnational human rights


Propose a specific reform to the international human rights system and present both arguments and responses to counterarguments for your proposal. Incorporate a

political freedom and cultural diversity


New York City has played an oversized role in Puerto Rican affairs. As the major U.S. port on the East Coast for the Caribbean, the City and the Island were intimately linked since

international human rights system


12-15 page paper based on one of the following prompts. Additional articles (which i will provide several) must also be read and cited in this paper and alluded to, in additon to

The Power and Politics of Privacy on Social Networking Sites


After you’ve read the case study “The Power and Politics of Privacy on Social Networking Sites”, please answer the following questions:

Political Perk


Your Original Post must answer the question fully in all its parts and address possible objections to your ethical reasoning. You must also connect your Original Post to the course

local party organizations


Use standard essay format: Introduction / Body / Conclusion. Minimum word count is minimum 350 – 500 words. Majority of knowledge of topic should be from from the textbook.

SOCY325 Week 6 discussion


This week asks you to look at many different institutions in our society specifically as gendered institutions. Referring directly to the learning resources for this week, as a response to this post, take a moment to synthesize what you have learned:

Question Description: Examine how security t


(HSE) have been improved via the implementation of technology (in areas such as border security, aviation security, transportation security, cybersecurity, and so on). After examining the technological impact, identify a current technological tool or one that is forthcoming that has or will improve the overall security posture. Detail the key capabilities of the selected technology as well as the capability gaps.

Political Science Question


Answer the given questions in at least 10 pages and for each topic it needs to be 3-4 pages. Also look at the attached instructions. There are three questions. Write your answers in essay form.

Political Science


12-15 page paper based on one of the following prompts. Additional articles (which i will provide several) must also be read and cited in this paper and alluded to, in additon to whatever research you may do.

Case Study – The Power and Politics of Privacy on Social Media Networking Sites


After you’ve read the case study “The Power and Politics of Privacy on Social Networking Sites”, please answer the following questions:

Answring one Question


Please choose ONE question from each group which will require you to provide a total of FOUR responses. Each answer must demonstrate that you understand the material and must include accurate names, dates, places, and events. Each response should contain 3-4 paragraphs or more with about 4-6 detailed sentences in each paragraph.



Review your leadership canvas( Canvas Attached) and create a leadership philosophy. It can use text, symbols, video, images. It should capture your personal leadership presence –who are you are and how you

Introduction to political economy and the environment homework


How did the ideas of Adam Smith and Thomas Malthus inform the British response to weather-induced crop declines in India?

American Politics


For essay,
please upload a 4 paragraph minimum answer that addresses the following:
1. Explain how the following key concepts are all related using course knowledge, content,
and evidence from the readings. You must give a strong sense that you know what these
key concepts mean and how they fit together. There is no one right answer- it depends

POL 2301 United States Government


Take a few moments to reflect on what it means to live in a democracy. We enjoy a wide variety of freedoms and rights in the United States, but rights often come with obligations (similar to a contract). Do you think that we, as citizens, have any obligations to the U.S. political system and to our fellow citizens in exchange for the benefits that our representative government provides? Explain your response.

Political Science Question


Explain the political reasons (national security, protect consumer, retaliating, advancing other policies, human rights) for restricting trade.

Does it matter that the modern American public


Does it matter that the modern American public is not all that politically knowledgeable or sophisticated? Why or why not? Directly reference the assigned readings when making your argument.

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